Ostarine (MK-2866, Enobosarm)

Ostarine (MK-2866) is a SARM developed by GTx for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting. It may eventually be a medical prescription for the prevention of cachexia, atrophy and sarcopenia as well as for Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

General Details

White Oral Powder OSTARINE MK-2866 Legal SARMs Raw Material




CAS number: 841205-47-8
Ostarine Aliases: MK-2866, Enobosarm
Molecular Formula: C19H14F3N3O3
Molecular Weight: 389.33
Appearance: white powder



Item Specification Result
 Appearance An odorless, almost white or white powder pass
 Identificaton The retention time of the major peak is
confirm to the RS
 Loss on Drying Not more than 0.5% 0.33%
Assay(HPLC) Not less than 99.0% 99.59%
Ignition residue Not more than 0.1% pass
Heavy metal Not more than 20 ppm pass


Ostarine (MK-2866) is a SARM developed by GTx for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting. It may eventually be a medical prescription for the prevention of cachexia, atrophy and sarcopenia as well as for Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy.


Ostarine is the most powerful and anabolic selective androgen receptor modulator (“SARM”) available to the bodybuilding and fitness community, hands down, and without competition.


Ostarine, also known as “MK-2866” or “Enobosarm”, was originally developed by GTx, a global pharmaceutical company that focuses on the development of small molecules that selectively modify the effects of androgen and estrogen receptors.


How does it work?


SARMS bind to the androgen receptor and demonstrate osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) anabolic activity.

Ostarine belongs to a class of chemicals know as SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators. SARMs create selective anabolic activity at certain androgen receptors. In comparison to testosterone and other anabolic steroids, the advantage of SARMs, is they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues (less side effects). Ostarine is effective in maintaining and increasing lean body mass. SARMS such as Ostarine cannot be aromatized, concentrating all their effects to AR binding and not to metabolic conversion into androgens/estrogens.


Advantages of Ostarine when compared to steroids


It is non methylated so it is non toxic to the liver or blood pressure
Some suppression may be present at doses of 25mg+ run for longer than 4 weeks, however a stringent PCT of prescription SERMs like Nolvadex or Clomid is not necessary.
High oral bioavailability without significant damage to your liver as with oral steroids.
Great sense of well being while on, (without the aggression which can often detrimentally impact users daily lives).
No need for a long time period off between cycles; the recommended time of period for normal steroid cycles would be Time on + PCT, so for a typical 6 week cycle and 4 week PCT, a user would have to wait another 10 weeks after PCT to start another cycle where SARMS recovery requires minimal rest in between.
Ostarine also resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, with the average LDL/HDL ratio for all doses remaining in the low cardiovascular risk category – hence there is little impact on cholesterol values.



Advantages Of Ostarine when compared to other SARMS
The metabolite M1 which seems to cause toxicity in S4 (temporary occular disturbances) is not present in Ostarine.
Also unlike S4, Ostarine does not have androgenic properties in non muscle tissue.



Timing of Doses


As Ostarine has a half life of around 24 hours, each of these doses only has to be taken orally once a day, therefore its also offers an extremely convenient supplementation intake.



Ostarine Summary
Anabolic even at doses as low as 3mg
Great for strength
Great for lean mass gains
Great for body recomposition
Great for endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
Joint healing abilities
Half life of circa 24 hours – only once a day dosing required


Related products as below.
Ostarine,MK-2866, Enobosarm
Andarine (S-4)
MK-677, Ibutamoren             



Steroids Order Processing

Items Content
Make an order State what kind of steroids and quantity for each powder you want
Shipping Provide your addressee info ( phone number )
Packing Chosen according to your country and quantity of order
Delivery Arranged within 12 hours upon receipt of your payment
Photos Photos of parcel would be offered to tell apart the steroids .
Tracking number Offered once it is released
After-sale service 24/7 online for your all kinds of steroids powder problems

Packaging & Delivery:

We have professional team for package and shipment. Special way to ship 100 grams to 100kg powders at one time to your country. Fast and discreet shipment could be arranged for customs pass Guaranteed.

 Our advantages:

Our company is a professional raw powder factory in China for over 10  years, all powders are factory directly supplying.
Our products have exported to Germany, Norway, Poland, Finland, Spain, UK, France,  Russia, USA, Australia, Japan, Korea and many other countries, over 100kgs each month.
Professional team special for package and shipment and staring on tracking code 24hours for  customs pass guaranteed. 100% pass to UK, Norway, Poland, Spain, USA, Canada, Brazil;  98% pass to Germany, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.
Most of powders are in stock, Chargeable samples are available, Could be shipped out within  24hours.
High quality, good price, fast and safety delivery. Shipment by DHL, TNT, FEDEX, HKEMS,  UPS, etc.

Product name CAS NO. Product name CAS NO.
Benzocaine 94-09-7 Procaine 59-46-1
Dapoxetine Hydrochloride 129938-20-1 Tetracaine HCl 136-47-0
Clobetasol Propionate 25122-46-7 L-Thyroxine 51-48-9
Finasteride 98319-26-7 Dydrogesterone 152-62-5
Theophylline 58-55-9/ 5967-84-0 Valdecoxib 181695-72-7
Azithromycin 117772-70-0
Procaine HCl 51-05-8 Lidocaine HCl 73-78-9
Lidocaine 137-58-6 50-02-2
Dapoxetine 119356-77-3 L-Epinephrine hydrochloride 55-31-2/ 329-63-5
Chloramphenicol 56-75-7/ 2787-09-9 Doxorubicin hydrochloride 25316-40-9
Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 Paclitaxel 33069-62-4
Omeprazole 73590-58-6/ 119141-89-8 Benzyl benzoate 120-51-4
Dutasteride 164656-23-9 Cyanocobalamin 68-19-9/18195-32-9/13408-78-1
Benzocaine HCl 23239-88-5 Furazolidone 67-45-8
Formestane 566-48-3 Rifaximin 80621-81-4
Acetaminophen 103-90-2 Paromomycin 7542-37-2
Amikacin disulfate salt 39831-55-5/ 149022-22-0 Nitazoxanide 55981-09-4
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 55203-24-2/ 312-93-6 Secnidazole 3366-95-8
Trestolone acetate 6157-87-5 Tinidazole 19387-91-8
Lincomycin hydrochloride 7179-49-9 Chlorhexidine Gluconate 18472-51-0
Clotrimazole 23593-75-1 1,3-dimethyl-pentylaminehydrochloride 13803-74-2
1,3-Dimethylbutylamine hydrochloride 71776-70-0 4 amino-2-Methylpentane citrate (AMP Citrate) NP




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