Anadrol 50 (Oxymetholone)

Oxymetholone is a potent oral anabolic steroid that first appeared in the 1960’s under the trade names Anadrol 50 (Syntex) and Androyd (Park Davis & co.) To this day the Oxymetholone hormone is normally referred to as Anadrol in most circles. When the steroid was first released it was touted as holding numerous therapeutic benefits. The range of benefits included the treatment gastrointestinal disease, osteoporosis and anemia, as well as treating chronic underweight issues and combating any catabolic disease or condition.

General Details

Buy Legal Anadrol 50 (Oxymetholone 50 mg/ml)

Product Name:Anadrol 50


Oxymetholone is a potent oral anabolic steroid that first appeared in the 1960’s under the trade names Anadrol 50 (Syntex) and Androyd (Park Davis & co.) To this day the Oxymetholone hormone is normally referred to as Anadrol in most circles. When the steroid was first released it was touted as holding numerous therapeutic benefits. The range of benefits included the treatment gastrointestinal disease, osteoporosis and anemia, as well as treating chronic underweight issues and combating any catabolic disease or condition.

Over the years Anadrol has fallen under heavy scrutiny from the U.S. FDA as have most anabolic steroids. Currently, the Oxymetholone hormone is only approved in the U.S. for the treatment of anemia, as well as muscle wasting diseases like HIV and AIDS. The compound is also no longer manufactured by Park Davis & co. and Syntex would sell its right to Unimed Pharmaceuticals in the late 1990’s eventually finding its way to Alevan Pharmaceuticals in 2006.

Anadrol 50 Functions & Traits:

The Oxymetholone hormone known, as Anadrol, is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid that is closely related to methyldihydrotestosterone. Specifically, Oxymetholone is DHT with an added 2-hydroxymethylene group, which greatly enhances its anabolic activity. It is also a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid. This refers to a structural change of the hormone at the 17th carbon position that allows it to be orally ingested. Without the change the majority of the hormone would be destroyed before any benefit could be obtained. Unfortunately, this also makes Anadrol toxic to the liver (see side effects section).

Anadrol carries an extremely high anabolic rating that is three times greater than testosterone. However, its androgenic rating is rather low, but also a bit misleading. Anadrol has a tendency to be more androgenic than its rating would imply. The metabolism of this steroid easily removes the 2-hydroxymethylene group, at least in part, thereby reducing the hormone to methyldihdrotestosterone.

Effects of Anadrol 50:

The effects of Anadrol 50 are without question some of the strongest among anabolic steroids. This is largely considered one of the most powerful steroids in existence, especially on the prescription market, and the results will be rapid. Anadrol is one of the premier mass building steroids, and it will significantly boost the individual’s strength. This steroid is so rapidly powerful it is not uncommon for the individual to gain as much as 20-30lbs in as little as 4-6 weeks of total use. Some of this will undoubtedly be water weight. Anadrol is a non-aromatizing steroid, but it is one of the few non-aromatizing steroids and one of the only DHT compounds that is highly estrogenic. Water retention can be controlled, but this will take some effort in the form of anti-estrogen medications as well as diet.

Due to its fast acting nature, the most common time a performance enhancing athlete will supplement with Anadrol is at the frontend of a new mass gaining or off-season phase. Often referred to as kick-starting, this will produce rapid gains while the slower injectable steroids are building in your system. This brings us to an important point; Anadrol is not a base steroid but rather a secondary steroid that can be added to a total stack. Those who use Anadrol alone will find rapid gains occur, but they will find they disappear just as fast when the cycle does not continue with base steroids like Testosterone, Nandrolone or Trenbolone.

Another excellent time to use Anadrol is mid-cycle. During any cycle, at some point and time the individual will hit a wall. The gains and progress will slow or even come to a screeching halt. When this occurs something must change. It may be a call for a change in training or diet, or it could be a call to introduce a new yet powerful anabolic agent. Mid-cycle use, often referred to as plateau busting will see the gains continue again. You very well may not gain as much weight as you would with a kick-start, but progress will be made nonetheless. It should be noted; if Anadrol is used as a kick-start it should not be used as a mid-cycle plateau buster. This steroid carries a strong hepatic nature and such double use will provide an enormous amount of stress to the liver.

The final time for a performance enhancing athlete to use Anadrol is during a cutting cycle; however, this will only apply to a select group. Anadrol can be a great steroid for a competitive bodybuilder at the tail end of his contest prep. This will aid him in providing a fuller look on stage as he will be able to fully maximize his carb load. This is without question a more advanced technique and one many people will need to avoid. If you have never used Anadrol before the last thing you want is to use it for contest prep purposes. You need to understand how your body reacts to the hormone, you need to understand how to control water during such a phase of use, and most importantly, you need to be in excellent shape. By excellent shape we’re referring to body fat levels of below 6%. These are levels that most steroid using gym rats will never see. Failure to abide by these rules could easily ruin your contest prep and months of hard work. For those who qualify for this period of supplementation, if conditioned, which is the most important factor, the result will be a physique that appears larger and fuller.

Side Effects of Anadrol 50:

Anadrol 50 is not what we’d call an extremely side effect friendly anabolic steroid. This is largely why its use has become limited in a therapeutic sense. However, the effects can be controlled in most cases. In order to understand the side effects of Anadrol, we have broken them down into their separate categories with all the related information you’ll need.

[1] Estrogenic

The Oxymetholone hormone does not aromatize. The aromatase enzyme does not affect it, which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Further, it is not a progestin and carries no progesterone nature, however, it remains highly estrogenic. How or why it is so estrogenic is a bit of a mystery. There are some theories and the most solid is that Oxymetholone can activate the estrogen receptors to a stronger degree than many other steroids.

Due to the estrogenic nature of Anadrol, gynecomastia can be a real concern, as can excess water retention. In order to protect from gynecomastia you will need an anti-estrogen medication. Anti-estrogens will also have a positive effect on water retention, but when it comes to their use with Anadrol there is an interesting note. The common anti-estrogens used by performance athletes include Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM’s) like Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) and Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) like Anastrozole (Arimidex). AI’s are by far the most effective at controlling estrogen as they inhibit aromatization and lower the body’s estrogen levels. SERM’s do not inhibit or lower estrogen but attach to the receptors in the place of estrogen. However, in this case it’s important to remember there is no aromatization going on, there is nothing for an AI to inhibit. They will still be the most effective means of protection due to their reducing properties, but some will find SERM’s to be enough. As an added bonus, SERM’s will not negatively affect cholesterol, while AI’s most certainly will.

A final note, controlling excess water retention is very important. If excess water retention gets out of hand it can have a negative impact on blood pressure.

[2] Androgenic

Anadrol carries with it some strong androgenic related side effects despite its rather low androgenicity. The androgenic side effects of Anadrol can include acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. These are, however, very genetically based side effects. For example, many who supplement will not have a problem with acne, but those who are genetically sensitive may find they have a problem. It should also be noted; 5-alpha reductase inhibitors will not affect this steroids androgenicity. It is the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that causes testosterone to reduce to DHT, but in this case there is nothing to inhibit as Oxymetholone is already a DHT compound.

The androgenic nature of Anadrol causes this steroid to be a poor choice for women. The use of Oxymetholone will lead to severe virilization symptoms such as body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords and clitoral enlargement. Many often find it to also have a reducing effect on breast size and to promote menstrual irregularity. While women can safely supplement with some anabolic steroids, this is not one of them. Women should choose steroids with a weakened androgenic nature.

[3] Cardiovascular

The Oxymetholone hormone can have a strong negative impact on cholesterol, particularly HDL levels. While it does not appear to have a significant impact on LDL levels it will greatly suppress HDL cholesterol. It is imperative that those who suffer from high cholesterol do not supplement with this anabolic steroid. In fact, anabolic steroids in general should be avoided if the individual does not possess a healthy cholesterol reading. For those who are healthy enough for supplementation it will be extremely important that they live a lifestyle that is conducive to maintaining proper levels. The individual’s diet will be the most important factor. Large amounts of saturated fats should be avoided, as well as generally unfriendly cholesterol foods. The supplementation of omega fatty acids is also highly recommended, as is plenty of cardiovascular activity.

[4] Testosterone:

The use of anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone. The rate of suppression is dependent on the steroid in question, but in the case of Oxymetholone it is enough to warrant the use of exogenous testosterone. This will actually hold true with most anabolic steroids. Those who supplement with Anadrol and forgo exogenous testosterone therapy will fall into a low testosterone condition. Not only is this a condition that comes with numerous bothersome symptoms, it is an extremely unhealthy state. The form of testosterone you choose when using Anadrol is of no consequence, however, you should ensure you are applying enough to provide what the body needs.

Once the use of Anadrol and all anabolic steroids has come to an end and all the exogenous hormones have cleared your system natural testosterone production will begin again. This is assuming there was no prior existing low level state. It also assumes no damage was done to the HPTA during supplementation due to improper practices. While natural testosterone production will begin again on its own, it will not be fast. It is generally recommended that the individual begin a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) treatment plan following anabolic steroid use. This will encourage natural testosterone production and speed the healing process up. It will not automatically return you to your previous natural high level on its own; that will take some time. However, it will ensure you have enough testosterone in your body to function properly while your levels continue to naturally rise.

[5] Hepatotoxicity

Oxandrolone is most certainly a hepatotoxic steroid. It does not carry the strongest level of hepatotoxicity among anabolic steroids, but it is stronger than most. This is due to it being a C17-aa anabolic steroid. All C17-aa steroids are hepatic, but the level of toxicity varies greatly between them. Due to this steroid’s strong hepatotoxicity, this is why total use must be limited (see administration section).

Due to use, those who supplement with Anadrol will find their liver enzyme values increase. An increase in values is not a sign of damage but rather a sign of stress that can lead to damage if responsible practices are not followed and the stress is allowed to remain. Proper dosing and duration of use protocols are imperative when it comes to this steroid. Further, it is important the individual avoids excess alcohol consumption when supplementing with this steroid due to the liver stress such consumption will cause. In fact, most will find avoiding all alcohol to be best during use. If this is a problem and you are supplementing for the purpose of performance enhancement remember there is nothing on earth that is as anti-performance as alcohol. Those who supplement are also encouraged to limit their use of Over the Counter (OTC) medications. Many OTC medications carry strong hepatic natures, and the added stress can be extensive when coupled with Anadrol. Use should be limited to when only absolutely needed. If these rules can be followed, once use is discontinued liver enzyme values will return to normal and no damage will be done. As a final note, Anadrol should not be used if the liver is unhealthy.

Anadrol 50 Administration:

Anadrol carries an active half-life of approximately 16 hours, which will require daily administration of the hormone. Most men will find a dosing of 50mg per day for 4-6 weeks to produce phenomenal results. Use should not surpass the six week mark for any reason due to the steroid’s hepatotoxicity.

For those who want more Anadrol and have enjoyed a positive response in a previous cycle, meaning they were able to control side effects, doses that reach the 100mg per day range can be considered. However, this will greatly increase the risk of side effects; caution is advised. Doses above this mark cannot be recommended. Not only are such doses dangerous they have been shown to have very little positive effect of an increasing nature. With most anabolic steroids the more you take the greater the results. While side effect risk also increases, so do the results. With Anadrol we have a steroid that typically holds to a much sharper falloff point. Simply put, doses above 100mg per day will rarely produce results greater than 100mg per day. Further, such doses often suppress the individual’s appetite, which is not something you want or need when in a mass gaining phase. Those who supplement with 100mg per day are also encouraged to limit the total use to four weeks.

Regardless of the total dosing, it is highly recommended that no other C17-aa anabolic steroids are used during Anadrol supplementation. No C17-aa steroid should be used for at least six weeks after use is discontinued, with most finding even more time in-between to be the best option.

Availability of Anadrol 50:

Oxymetholone is one of the most commonly found anabolic steroids on the black market. However, the U.S. based brand Anadrol 50 is rarely found in black market circles. You will not find a major steroid supplier who carries this version. The only way you’ll obtain Anadrol 50 is with a prescription or from an individual who sells you his prescription based Anadrol 50. As for other brands, there are numerous high quality Oxymetholone brands on the market, but there are quite a few counterfeits as well. Anadrolic (British Dispensary) and Anemoxic (Jinan Pharmaceuticals) are two highly reputable brands, as well as Turkish Anapolon.

Buying Anadrol 50 Online – Warning:

The ability to buy Anadrol online is without question the easiest way to purchase this powerful anabolic steroid. There are seemingly countless suppliers of anabolic steroids, and you can easily find nearly any brand you want. However, in the United States such a purchase is illegal. Anabolic androgenic steroidsare classified as Schedule III controlled substances and any violation of the law carries with it strong consequences. While many countries carry far more lenient laws, many are similarly strict; extreme caution is advised. Due to the nature of such a purchase, if you are to stay within the safety of the law you are encouraged to visit the sponsors here at The sponsors here at carry highly effective anabolics that can be legally purchased without a prescription; they are extremely effective and present no cause for concern when it comes to violating the law.

Anadrol 50 Reviews:

Anadrol 50 is without question one of the most powerful anabolic steroids on the market. Of all the anabolic steroids available on the prescription market it may be the most powerful of all. This is not a steroid for the faint of heart and is by no means a steroid that should be used by a novice performance enhancing athlete. As we saw in the side effect section, Anadrol 50 can carry quite a few potential adverse effects and you need to understand the hormone as well as proper supplementation practices before you begin a course. However, if this is an anabolic steroid you’re ready to try you will find its ability to pack on lean muscle mass is almost beyond comprehension. Further, when it comes to raw strength and power, this potent anabolic steroid provides an enormous punch.

Oxymetholone Profile

  • (Oxymetholone)
  • [17 beta-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-androstan-3one]
  • Molecular Weight: 332.482
  • Molecular Formula: C 21 H 32 O 3
  • Melting Point: 178-180C
  • Manufacturer: Syntex (Originally)
  • Release Date: 1960
  • Effective Dose: 100mgs (optimal)
  • Active Life: <16hours
  • Detection Time: up to 8 weeks
  • Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 320:45


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