Muscle Growth Injection Sustanon 300mg/ml For Cutting Cycle
Product Name:Sustanon 300
Minimum order quantity:100ml
STEROID NAMES: Sustanon, Sustanon 250, Durateston 250, Sostenon 250, Durandron, Deposterone, Testono’n, Sustainbolic, Suston 250
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Testosterone propionate, Testosterone isocaproate, Testosterone phenylpropionate, Testosterone decanoate
Sustanon Injection Recipe:
1. Sustanon 250mg/ml
800ml @ 250mg/ml
Sustanon powder 200g
BA 16ml
BB 160ml
474 GSO
2. Sustanon 300mg/ml
333ml @300mg/ml
Sustanon powder 100g
BA 5ml
BB 50ml
GSO 203ml
Sustanon 300 is a blend of four testosterone esters: testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. These esters make Sustanon one of the longest-lasting steroid compounds available today. It is an ideal compound for putting on size and increasing muscle strength.
Sustanon 300 has potent androgenic features which are accompanied by powerful anabolic properties. The principal benefits of this preparation are enumerated below:
– enhancement of muscle mass;
– stimulation of appetite;
– anticatabolic effects;
– enhancement of number of red blood cells in blood;
– improvement of oxygen transportation;
– increase of endurance;
– increase of libido (during administration of Sustanon 300).
Thus, it is a precious medicine for athletic needs. Sustanon 300 is usually used for cutting cycles. This medicine leads to less water retention than testosterone enanthate or cypionate.
Positive effects of this preparation for therapeutic purposes should be also taken in consideration. This medication is effectively taken for treatment of males who have primary and secondary hypogonadism. This preparation is administrated in case of eunuchoidism,
hypopituitarism, after castration and endocrine impotence infertility in men that was caused by illnesses linked with spermatogenesis. This product may be prescribed in other certain situations too.
Sustanon 300 is also used for supportive therapy of female-to-male transsexuals.
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Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 dhjiq