Supertest 450 

Super Test is one of the finest testosterone boosters on the market. Workout enthusiasts everywhere now demand it because Super Test is designed to help them build muscle mass, improve strength, support an already healthy sex drive, help detoxify their system, and maintain their bodies for optimum fitness and health.

General Details

Legal Finished Anabolic Steroid Powder Oil Supertest 450mg/ml in Medicine


Product Name:Supertest 450
Substance:Testosterone acetate,Testosterone decanoate,Testosterone propionate,Testosterone phenylpropionate,Testosterone cypionate

Recipe of  Supertest 450mg/ml  :

Testosterone acetate 32mg/ml
Testosterone decanoate 147mg/ml
Testosterone propionate 73mg/ml
Testosterone phenylpropionate 73mg/ml
Testosterone cypionate 125mg/ml


How to make Ripex 225mg/ml :

  • Step 1: Put Testosterone Propionate , Trenbolone Acetate , Drostanolone PropionatePowder into the beaker
  • Step 2: Put  BA into the beaker
  • Step 3: Put the beaker on the heater, temperature is about 80 ℃. Use the glass rod to stir the liquid until the powder dissolves into the liquid totally, then it will be transparent yellow liquid
  • Step 4: Get the beaker down from the heater, wait until the transparent yellow liquid is cool
  • Step 5: Put the Grapesead Oil into the beaker, Use the glass rod to stir the liquid until it is   transparent yellow liquid again.
  • Step6: Filter the liquid with a sterile filter or a filtering machine




Super Test is one of the finest testosterone boosters on the market. Workout enthusiasts everywhere now demand it because Super Test is designed to help them build muscle mass, improve strength, support an already healthy sex drive, help detoxify their system, and maintain their bodies for optimum fitness and health.


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