
May 10, 2017

The Best Anabolic Muscle Building Peptide—IGF-1 LR3

What is IGF1-LR3?

IGF-1 is basically a polypeptide hormone that has the same some of the same molecular properties as insulin. IGF dose actually stand for insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 is mainly responsible for long bone growth in children and it also affects muscle growth and repair of adults. Long R3 IGF-1 is a more potent version of IGF-1. It’s chemically altered i like to think “enhanced” to prevent deactivation by IGF-1 binding proteins in the bloodstream. This results in a longer half-life of 20-30 hours instead of 20 min… So that means a far more effective version than the short chain we we re perhaps more familiar with.

What does IGF1-LR3 do?

IGF-1 LR3 greatly boosts muscle mass by inducing a state of muscle hyperplasia (increase in number of new muscle cells) in the MUSCLE WHERE ITS INJECTED! So think of it as muscle cell proliferation, or even the splitting of the cell so 1 becomes 2… That’s why its perfect on cycle when you get increased muscle cell growth too. But why is IGF better than HGH? The reason being is HGH causes IGF levels to rise in the liver first, then then the muscle, Whereas IGF-LR3 causes localized IGF levels to rocket.

Igf1-lr3 As you all know is the long acting version of Igf-1, Taking its active potential up towards 20 hours, But along with its ability to stimulate the growth of satellite muscle cells and helping them to mature into new muscle fibers it holds the ability to increase the uptake of many supplements we currently use, And it can cause the enhanced recovery of testicle size, and prevent muscle loss even in PCT. Plus another reason its so potent is because of the decreased binding of Long R3 IGF-1 to all known IGF binding proteins. These binding proteins normally inhibit the biological actions of IGF.. not so with this long acting version.

Here’s a quote from one of the top research doctors in the world, Dr Sweeny the chairman of bioethics in 2002.

H. Lee Sweeney, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman of Physiology at the University of Pennsylvania and a recognized expert on the subject of the genetic enhancement of skeletal muscle, spoke to the World Anti-Doping Association with regard to the muscle building and regenerating properties of IGF-1.
In another study the muscle fibers of 27-month old rats – old age for rats – that were given IGF-1 during middle age, exhibited no deterioration of muscle fibers that indicate the classic and inevitable signs of aging. These rats did not lose any fast twitch muscle fibers – the fibers responsible for power and speed – and had the same speed and power output that they had when they were six months of age.

To quote Dr. Sweeney, “So we were able to conclude that IGF-1 could prevent all of the hallmarks of age-related atrophy and loss of skeletal muscle function in mammalian aging, at least based on the rodent model, and now we’re hoping to pursue this in larger animal models.”

How to dissolve IGF1-LR3 lyophilized powder?

(1)-STORAGE OF IGF-1(prior to mixing)
Lyophilized (dry) IGF-1is stable at room temperture for three weeks; however, it should be stored below -18 degrees celsius (in the freezer section).

1 milligram (mg) IGF-1 = 1,000 mcg (micrograms) IGF-1 (dry weight- before mixing).

When reconstituting, it’s important to remember IGF-1 can get “stuck” in the grooves of the glass bottle it comes packaged in. While glass appears smooth to the naked eye, under a microscope, it’s a convoluted landscape of grooves and hidden recesses.
By mixing the lyophilized IGF-1 with an “sterile acetic acid” , the IGF-1 molecules are efficiently detached from the glass and solubilized in the mixture.

For the purposes of mathematical ease, I suggest mixing the dry 1 milligram (1,000 microgram) IGF-1 with 3ml (or 3cc) of the “acetic acid” mixture.

Next, using a 1cc insulin syringe draw out 1cc out of the bottle containing the 3cc acid water/IGF-1 mixture. In a seperate 1cc insulin syringe, draw up another 1cc of the solution. Freeze these two loaded insulin syringes. They will be utilized at a later date.

NOTE: Freezing can safely and effectively preserve IGF-1(even after its been mixed).

To the remaining 1cc of IGF-1 thats left in the glass bottle, add 2cc of bacterialstatic water. This will return the total volume back up to 3cc.

(A) The original concentration of the IGF-1 solution was 1mg, (1000 micrograms),
IGF-1 in 3cc of water.

(B) Each 1cc that was removed, then, contained approximately 333 micrograms IGF-1 per 1cc.

1,000 micrograms/3cc = 333 micrograms per 1cc.

(C) The 1cc that was left in the bottle, then, also contains 333 micrograms of IGF-1.

(D) Next, we added 2cc of bacterialstatic water to the bottle and brought the volume back up to 3cc. The difference is we now have 333 micrograms in 3cc of water, (instead of in 1cc).

(E)To determine how much IGF-1 is in 1cc syringe, you must divide by three.

333 micrograms/3cc = 111 micrograms per 1cc.

(F) To determine how much IGF-1 is in .10cc (or 1/10thcc) we do the following:

111 micrograms/10 = 11micrograms per .10cc

Effective Dosages and Cycles of IGF1-LR3 

IGF-1 lr3 can offer real benefits to a steroid user.Use like Test, Deca, Tren, Winny, Dbol, Anavar, Equipoise, and others steroids.If you eat well, train hard, get rest, and do a proper pct the gains can be kept,steroid add mass.
Dosages in the range of 10 to 20 micrograms per day, (taken 10 to 15 minuters after training), are quite effective for building and repairing muscle tissue.
More importantly, these moderate dosages, (by some peoples estimation),
stimulate muscle growth yet escape rapid “downregulation” of the all important IGF-1 receptors.
Without receptors to recognize the IGF-1, it doesn’t matter how much you inject,
NOTHING will happen.
As dosages climb to over 50 micrograms per day, receptor downgrade increases exponentially, and from what I’ve observed among bodybuilders, muscle gains come to a screeching hault.

Bodybuilders will have the most sucess with IGF-1 if they follow the protocol I outlined below. REMEMBER, more isn’t always better.

11 micrograms per day for 30 days (cycle 1) 333 micrograms

2 weeks OFF

11 micrograms per day for 30 days (cycle 2)** 333 micrograms

2 weeks OFF

11 micrograms per day for 30 days (cycle 3)** 333 micrograms

8 weeks OFF

** The second and third cycles of IGF-1 treatment require that the two Frozen 1cc insulin syringes be defrosted, (only defrost one per cycle).
Next, inject the defrosted solution into an empty bottle.
Further dilute with 2cc bacterialstatic water. When adding the 2cc of water, use the syringe that originally held the frozen IGF-1.
This also helps to wash the syringe and ensure that no IGF-1 is stuck inside of it.

Do you offer IGF1-LR3 ?

Sure.We offer IGF1-LR3 solution : IGF1-LR3 1mg per vial and IGF1-LR3 0.1mg per vial

Click here to buy high purity IGF1-LR3.

Peptide knowledges , , , , , , , , , , ,
About lynn518

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